How To Manually Define Servers With Cyberghost For Mac

Posted : admin On 21.02.2020

When using the 'Best location' option you will establish a connection per default completely automatically on a server in one of the available countries, but you can also choose your favorite location manually by either changing the respective country or by directly activating an individual server. Country Choice Start the CyberGhost VPN client and click on the yellow side lap to open the extended program view with all different server lists and settings. Make sure you activated the menu entry 'All servers': Next step is to choose the desired country by simply clicking on it's respective entry. You can also check out the attributes for the servers in that country as they provide you with valuable information which can help in determining if the selected country is a good fit for your connection and current location:.

Number of users: Below the name of the country to be chosen you find the total numbers of users being online on all CyberGhost servers in the respective country. Distance: The distance between you and the country you want to surf from. This information might be useful to share a light on your Internet speed at a given moment. The higher the distance, the more time data packets need to be delivered. Load: The total amount of load of all servers in a country.

You can also use the search field to search for a specific country. Or use the pre-filtered server lists provided:. For downloading: If you look for a server for download purposes, e. To download Torrents, you most often need a compatible server, since not all countries for example allow P2P technologies such as Torrents - or only allow it, if all connections are logged, which CyberGost refuses to do. Also you might want the best performance available. For streaming: In case you want to stream content from a certain country (e.

To watch home TV when on a trip), you need a server capable of delivering high resolution content as well as being equipped to work with the wanted streaming platform. Either way, mark the country of your choice with a single click. Once done the respective country name will show up in the control window as the desired connection type and replace whatever occupied the place before. To activate the chosen connection click on the yellow power button or double-click on the marked country line.

Remember: The default mode for connections is 'Smart Location', whereas CyberGhost automatically connects to a country/server combination providing you the best performance. After changing the connection type to a specific country, CyberGhost will switch off the automatic country choice of its internal laod balancing system (since you already decided for a country), but still decides automatically for the best performing server in that respective country.

Manual Server Selection To go one step further and not only manually decide for a country, but also for a single, specific server in that country, click on the right handed arrow in the country of your choice to open its server list. Click on any single server you want to select. The server list itself provides you with some data you can use to filter out the server to be used:. Distance: The distance between you and the server you want to use.

How to manually define servers with cyberghost for mac free

How To Manually Define Servers With Cyberghost For Mac Windows 10

This information might be useful to share a light on your Internet speed at a given moment. The higher the distance, the more time date packets need to be delivered, so it is very often recommended to decide for the nearest server if speed is a criteria. Load: The load of a server depends on the number of currently logged in users, but also on the traffic caused by them. Please note that a high load doesn't have to equal a high number of users. There is also the possibility that a handful of users occupy a big amount of the available bandwidth and as a result might slow down your surfing speed.

Favorite: Click on the star and the resp. Server will be added to your list of favorites. Mark the server of your choice with a single click. It will show up in the control window as the desired connection type and replace whatever occupied the place before. To activate your manually defined connection simply click on the yellow power button in the control screen or double-click on the resp. Server entry in the server list.

How To Manually Define Servers With Cyberghost For Mac Free

If a different connection is active at the moment, it will be disconnected first. In the time between two connections, no Internet traffic is allowed. After being successfully connected to a server, CyberGhost displays the country you are surfing from, the name of the server in use and its IP address. This new IP address can not be tracked back to your identity or your real IP address. It's recomended to add a working connection to your list of favorites. That way you spare some taps and can fire up the respective connection directly. Disconnecting To disconnect from the current connection click on the power button.

After disconnecting the VPN, the country or server you used last will replace the default connection type and stay valid for all future connections - until you choose a different country or server or switch back to 'Best Location'. FAQ Q: If I am looking for a single server and have the list of the resp. Country open, will the 'Choose best server' button help me to decide for the most optimal connection? 'Choose best server', resp. 'Best server location' will always reset any filter and decide for the best server in general, which also could mean a totally different country than the one you want to surf from at the moment.