Andro Soft V01.2016 Rus Patch Soft For Mac

Posted : admin On 06.03.2020

2012-08-03 23:37 I am working on the 0.1.2a release of cocos2d-xna. Here is the list of changes I have thusfar: CCLabelBMFont: Added. 22:36 Hi guys! I wrote another guide for creating documentation for Qt Creator.

Now, work with Cocos2d-x in Qt Creator beca. 20:42 I’m not actually sure myself. Minimalist way would be to add one file at a time whenever you encounter this sort of “. 20:38 Guys, but you can do it yourself! In your cocos2d-x directory is located forlder “Doxygen” the configuration file for. 19:38 So, it’s better to use this CCButton instead of CCMenu?

19:10 I have meet a same problem, Had you find out why? 19:06 Hi everyone, we’re current developing a small game on windows 8 metro style using cocos2d-x.

A great thing is that w. 19:06 That solved it. I was not importing all of the necessary files. I needed CCTMXTiledMap.js and there were a handful of. 18:56 I think it should look like this: LoadScenes.h #ifndef LOADINGSCENEH #define LOADINGSCENEH typedef e.

18:40 Another possibility: CCTMXTiledMap appears to be defined here: cocos2d tileMapparallaxnodes CCTMXTiledMap.js. 18:40 hello everyone i want to integrate gestures like pan, pinch, tap, double tap. But not finding any best solution, in. 18:30 Can you attach a basic TMX file?

I’ll give this code a shot in my app.EDIT:. On my initial test (without a valid.

17:58 Yes, I get this source code from book Learn cocos2d Game Development with iOS 5 (Learn Apress) by Steffen Itterheim a. 17:47 Can you show source where is you get this code? That links can help you - 17:28 emmm I don’t find any place to change my avatar picture 17:26 Hi, I was wondering if there is any solution to send web requests on cocos2d-x, for example, to communicate with a s. 17:10 It’s possible to describe how to convert this code return self alloc initWithTargetScene:targetScene autoreleas. 17:08 Jon Cazier wrote: I’m very much a noob here, so I hope I’m not giving bad advice. The one other thing that I d. 16:59 I’m very much a noob here, so I hope I’m not giving bad advice.

The one other thing that I did was pull the font int. 16:51 Jon Cazier wrote: I’m currently using a.ttf font in my menus. Here’s what I have done.

I pull in the font usi. 16:10 In case you wish to make a project name “MyHelloWorld” 1. Execute “create-android-project.bat” with project name “My. Damn how could i be so stupid. I just did `pTouch-getLocationInView` instead of `CCDirector::sharedDirec. 15:02 I’m having a hard time loading in a TMX map.

Can anyone take a look at what I’m doing and point me in the right direc. 14:57 I’m currently using a.ttf font in my menus. Here’s what I have done. I pull in the font using font-face from the he. 14:35 Oh, sorry:) Use that: CCPoint touchPoint = CCDirector::sharedDirector-convertToGL(pTouch-locationInView). 14:23 Thats not what I mean:P I mean the origin of the view is top left of the screen.

So X = 0 and Y = 0 then it is top. 14:19 If you want placed your sprite in position(0, 0) you can use two method: yourSprite-setAnchorPoint(0, 0); y.

14:13 I come to the situation to scale the whole game content to match the current resolution of the device or system playi. 14:07 hi all.

I’m new to the tech so this is probably a naive question. My code uses zlib across android and IOS.


13:54 Hi all, I just switched to cocos2d-x 2 for a new project so i took the one from git. I was wondering, when I place. 13:18 Sounds like file permissions for the current user are not allowing you to edit. Try editing the permissions for the.

13:16 Hello friends, Thanks for your suggestions. I have created an android helloworld project successfully. 13:15 There is some good discussion about this here: 13:11 Thanks Jose for that code very much appreciated! And I look forward to reading your blog post and JB’s blog post o. 13:09 SEUNG-HYUN LEE, Thanks for your suggestions. I have changed to a FAT file system and placed cocos2d-x on it, create.

12:17 And I’ve figured it out - Great Code everyone! You explained my answer with your Code:) For those who have the. 11:18 in the new version 2.0, I can not enter in update & touchended functions thanks for the help.

Andro Soft V01.2016 Rus Patch Soft For Mac Pro

#include 'He. 11:14 I agree. A search engine for the api would really help when you are new to Cocos2dx.

11:03 Thanks for help ‘Alex Zhd’ 09:39 I think you better use RSS subscriptions;-) Cheers from Lleida, best city in the world and this side of the milky w. 09:33 I will be waiting your posts!! Will you write here when you publish your post? Just to be aware I am working o. 08:40 I have seen the function ccDrawSolidCircle in cocos2d-iphone cookbook. Is this not included in cocos2d-x. 08:38 The documentation guide at is very helpful,but if you provi.

08:32 Yes I thought so! Thanks a lot for clarifying =D 08:30 Twitter @jandujar2 Blog: Company Hello Jesus.;) 08:25 @joseantonio what is your blog address? 08:23 I have implemented the facebook integration with the iOS version of cocos2dx. I’ll write a post in my blog about it s.

08:21 I need to made a blog post about this, and then setup the wiki on cocos2d-x Just let me a couple of days to do this. 08:15 Hi Jose, could you give some advices in how integrate facebook or twitter into a cocos2d-x game? I have tried to im. 07:40 Hi i am developing a Billiard game in visual studio using cocos2d-x.I am facing a problem related to libxml.I define. 07:07 I send you the code I used.

You must use JNI in order to call SDK functions. Now chartboost works better for me (on. 06:52 The culprit in the case of cocos2dx-win8 is libxml2 which uses calls to kernel32.dll that are restricted in metro. 06:20 Strongly suspect that the Samsung Galaxy S2 have this problem!! There are too many 1 Star Rating Review which. 05:46 CCArray spiders = CCArray::arrayWithCapacity(num Spiders); //old version Cocos2d-x CCArray spiders = CCArray::create(. 04:03 Hi there, I’m testing on a BlackBerry PlayBook (OS 2.1, uses a Webkit-based engine.) The platform itself does support.

03:47 Thanks, I was having problems and your pkg installer did the trick. Francis 03:44 thanks very much!

I retry to test MultiTouch on iPad, found that the “identifier” property is working. But on andro. 03:28 Why cocos2d-x not supports auto loading resources like iOS? Assets/hello.png resources/en/hello.png resources/zh/h. 03:28 If I want to inherit from CCSprite, how do I go about doing that? Because I think inheriting from CCSprite is a much. 03:23 Yes, that’s a solution.

But I would rather to inherit from CCSprite. Thus you just need to control the “Tree” rather. 03:11 Fantastic! I can’t wait to give this a try.

I think there is a huge opportunity here for cocos2d-x. 02:46 Well, this is more of a C question rather than a cocos2d-x question. So anyway, I’ve been following tutorials from. 02:27 Yeah, I figured that was the case. Instead of creating a class that inherits from CCSprite, I just added a new member. 02:06 Current, I am aware that the function to set device orientation is platform dependent. On windows, it is done in the.

01:46 How to run MoonWarriors under jsbinding mode? Any instructions? 00:52 I’ve been trying to implement ChartBoost, a purely Java based JAR Library, into Cocos2d-x. My understanding of the f. 00:46 I am just wondering if anybody has any tips and tricks on how to go about adding an external SDK, like Chartboost, to.

00:43 @jose Were you able to get Chartboost working from Cocos2d-x? Would like some more info if you did! Thanks Jeff 00:00 I have a game developed using Cocos2d-iphone and want to convert it to Cocos2d-X.

How I can convert the following co. 2012-08-02 23:39 both functions ccTouchesBegan and ccTouchesEnded will receive event specific arguments, i.e, if two fingers are activ. 23:11 Thank you, I decide to have better control for MB strings, checking counting etc. I decide to use UTF-8 with C.+ in a.

22:55 Or this solution, but you can’t use this for removeFromParentAndCleanup(false), only for removeFromParentAndCleanup(t. 22:34 Hi, problem is in how you access fileutils, API was changed. Use this: const char.xmlPath = CCFileUtils::sharedFile. I wrote guide for development in Qt Creator for Android(21:53 Hi, I have problems loading files.ttf or.otf.

I cant found a example to create a label with a external font. 20:11 I guess the errors aren’t the same, mines error code was 0x0500 and was caused by CCParticleSystemQuad: 18:28 In case anyone hits this thread wondering the same thing, I’ve been able to work around this by implementing HTML5 to. I’m preparing a XMLManager to read and store data, using CCSAXParser, based on libxml2. Basically, i follow Thi. 16:17 Can someone please explain this to me: If I had two touches active on the screen, and one touch was removed, what wo. 15:36 looking forward to your solution.

Žygis Buzzy wrote: I had the same problem, was searching for the answer more tha. 15:31 I had the same problem, was searching for the answer more than a day. Finally find a solution by changing a source co. 15:21 how to solve this error when i add a child (subclass of CCSprite) to a scene. 15:04 I appreciate the feedback. The platform I’m developing for has its own touch implementation, I’ll see if I can levera. Anyone can help this cocos2d-x version to validation?

Or.cocos2d-x 2.0 will support Win8 Metro? 14:36 hi all, My game will be terminated by signal 11 when launched. Then I need to get the symbol file for checking.

13:55 I’ve created this small tutorial to help others: 13:27 I can’t find this function too. In cocos2d-x ver 13 was: pDirector- setDeviceOrientation(kCCDeviceOrientationLandsca. 13:20 How can i get raw image data from sprite or texture2d(like CCImage getData)? 12:55 I’d like to present Redboot game Alien X Zombie Last Escape (Lite) Base on cocos2D-x, box2D, cocos2D.

Available on iP. 12:18 My app was rejected beacuse of this crash. But i had tested several times in my iphone and simulator,however it never. 11:17 Hi, I’m trying to add a video view in the center of the screen by calling through JNI. Now I already added a new met. 10:51 ok, I had to set the data nNumberofRows to something 0:) 10:39 Hi, I’m trying to learn how to use the CCListView class. I have created a simple class that inherits from CCListView.

10:24 And now I reply to myself. Just in case someone else will have the same problem to use this tutorial, we have to ch. 10:18 I am trying this tutorial, and still getting this error. Even when “using namespace cocos2d;” or adding cocos2d::ccTi.

10:17 Hi all, I try to load a lua file into memory (use CCFileData data(path.c str, “rb”) to load it), and run it with. 10:14 i have try to add the mp3 in the app. CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine::sharedEngine- playBackgroundMusic(“Leve. 10:11 Thats odd, I did a HTML5/Javascript game using the cocos2d-html5 lib and it passed the validation tool.

I wonder what. 09:55 Hi Phill. Yes, that is what i did. Microsoft has a validation tool, which checks the executable for using not wanted.

08:58 I Use BatchNode to draw two sprites with same texture, the texture size is 512.512,it decrease 15 fps compares to o. 08:58 I think the simpliest way for cocos2d-x and box2d is to inherit CCNode (or CCSprite or whatever you need to draw you. 08:28 Hi, Lance Your “Tree” class doesn’t override the create function from CCSprite.

And the return type of CCSprite::c. 08:23 CCTextureCache reloads all textures in a blocked way, if you have many textures, “force close” might appear. 08:09 Yinghui Peng wrote: Hi, Diori I test the code you’ve posted and it works. The image shows up at (200, 200). 08:04 Hi, Diori I test the code you’ve posted and it works. The image shows up at (200, 200). Could you pack your code in.

07:41 thank you, Zygis and Alex I will try it on my project 07:00 The idea is to make a game object, “Question”. Which is a CCNode that have an image and a string of question. 06:51 Today Spriter preview is released for all platforms and is supporting texture packer, which is great news. 05:52 I have a “Tree” class and it inherits from CCSprite ( `class Tree: public cocos2d::CCSprite, public CCTargetedTouchD. 03:54 Hello, I am new to Cocos2D-x and have been putting in some thought about the best way to design an Actor class that. 03:43 I will try to implement tracking every touch when multitouch.

But browser don’t support. Like your test case.

03:33 How do u run projct in an emulator? As you said and as I understand you have a compiler error caused by file permissi. 02:26 I understand that cocos2d-x have some issues with NTFS drive with permissions,Hence I have used a FAT32 formatted Ext.

That works perfectly. Thanks! One note: it seems that any frame rate will work despite the note that Erik f.

01:37 because we run the mainloop is use window.requestAnimFrame, the FPS set by browser. You can change the FPS like this. 2012-08-01 21:53 I’m seeing the same behaviour as you are. I did find this though:.Only supports animation intervals of 1/60 1/30 &.

21:44 I try to set the FPS in AppDelegate.js director.setAnimationInterval(1.0 / 24); Trying to save some cycles on mobil. 21:30 Hello all, I have the following three implemented on my LayerColor: ccTouchesBegan: function (touches).

20:58 I created some file templates for xcode with cocos2dx 2.0. I wrote them up mainly for myself, but realized other peop.

20:32 @David K Are you still getting those errors, because I updated to the new version and it works. 20:22 FYI.I was able to work around this by using CCOrbitCamera instead of CCFlipX3D. 18:49 To add to this, here is a better way to describe this problem.

Please see the image attached. The image on the left. 18:26 I am having a problem with blurry images on retina mode. Please see the attached images. This is after doing a CCFli. 17:54 My first post on this forum so HI! Can anybody confirm that there is no current support for.Cocosbuilder v3.

at. 14:41 Hi, I was working in a game for android. All run fine but when I touch the screen the images quality change, like so. 14:37 So cool!

AntSmasher is already very famous all around the world. 14:15 Hi guys, I made some changes in the engine, in order to solve some bugs or to improve experience, and the results ar. 13:01 for android JNI can be used. I referred SimpleAudioEngine.cpp along with java files in cocos2d package, finally i. 12:48 It doesn’t matter for simple actions, but in general case you can’t reuse actions because each action object stores p.

12:11 I use the CCCallFuncN with the callfuncN selector. The CCCallFuncN it’s better than CCCallFuncO, because the callfun. 11:59 No Its not working for me.:( Can you suggest me some otherway? 11:59 In your TestScene’s class you can use SCENE FUNC PARAM(TestScene, int, yourParam) instead SCENE NODE FUNC(TestSce.

Andro Soft V01.2016 Rus Patch Soft For Mac

11:39 Just a little remark: with void RemoveChildSeq(CCNode. pObj) you should use CCCallFuncN and callfuncN selector. 11:38 Sorry, you are right, the patch missed $OUTPUT DEBUG because git would miss empty directory, I have fixed it, thank. 11:31 I defined the pkg file with void registerFunctionOnClick(LUA FUNCTION fun); Like the sdk tools tolua.pkg wr. 11:25 AppDelegate inherits CCApplication to override just few methods where your application specific work is done. 11:21 I used the solution described by Phill Jones because I think it’s easy to implement.

I need to make a little adaptat. 10:49 As described, using rotated sprite frame for CCScale9Sprite does not render correctly. 10:14 The Xcode project templates in branch master are missing calls to CCDirector’s stop/startAnimation in the AppDelegate. 08:46 You are welcome! Yes, the online reference need change.

We’ll change the new API reference after new version release. 08:34 Hi.J B., no, I have no solution for this. 08:24 The solution above would work, but I think it could be over kill re-writing all that functionality. My way of doing t. 08:19 ah thanks Phill : ) 08:17 hi Eugene, did you find any solution for this? 08:08 bool visible = sprite1 isVisible; or you could use the opacity value: int alpha = sprite1 getOpacity; http:/. 07:52 Srikanth, I know of adding sprite in the scene.

But, I want to know the sprite’s visibility value. 07:37 If the time of seq2 is longer than seq1, You may add one cc.CallFunc to your seq2.

Otherwise, please add the cc.CallF. 07:27 CCSprite. player = CCSprite::spriteWithFile(“Player.png”,CCRectMake(0,0,27,40)); player setPosition.width/2,wins.

07:25 CCSprite have setVisible(bool) method. But no getVisibile. Is there any way to get a sprite’s visibility? All cocos2dx libs are “Debug.win32” or “Release.win32” under cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.13.0-beta. You don’t need to copy. 07:06 I have 2 js files.

In first js on clicking a button am trying to load second js, which is another page. But before lo. 07:00 During the development of our last game, we found that it would be very useful to have our custom way to locate or ge. 06:58 In I see this: AppDelegate.pAppDelegate = new AppDelegate; CCApplication::sh. 06:35 Hi there, my version is “cocos2d-2.0-rc0a-x-2.0” this is my test // textureForKey test CCTextureCache::sharedT. 06:12 I think that this would be great if cocos2d-x have NaCl platform as option.

I’ve tried build HelloWorld recently, su. 06:12 i don’t know about that, but how about use url link?(openURL) 06:00 In my case, just copied HelloWorld/proj.ios to NewProject/proj.ios and opened XCode project, changed all “HelloWorld”. 05:54 open your project property window, and Debugging- Working Directory add this.“ $(ProjectDir).”. your problem w. 05:50 usally i’m not use Eclipse (i’m using msvc), but i heard that it is not so perfect to C/C such as auto complition. 05:44 it seems that your os is win7.

I think with XP, it will okay but under win7, problem occurs as you see it. 04:48 Hello all, I am referring to the SpriteTest in tests folder of cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.13.0-beta tests tests SpriteTest. 02:47 My Cocos2D-x Version is 0.12.0 01:48 Thanks dingping, that solved my problem! The online reference said it needs Color3B. I would think it’s not updat. 01:44 The arguments of cc.LayerColor.create type is cc.Color4B.

The code in Tests/ClickAndMoveTest is: `var layer = cc.Laye. 2012-07-31 21:10 I’ve got the same problem and my solution is the custom CCRemove action. Here’s the source: class CCRemove: pub. 20:11 For some reason I can’t explain my windows user account had no permission to read this file. Cocos2d-x PROJECT pro. 18:32 I just manually counted children. If anyone’s interested here’s my TinyXML code: @ std::string fullPath = CCFileUtils.

18:13 I would like to change a background color, so I use cc.LayerColor to do the job. But I always get error saying that “. 17:24 Hi, I create a code to simple show and hide a sprite in my screen, this is the code: CCSprite. pSprite = CCSprite:.

16:54 Alright! Thanks a lot! 16:26 Hi, I try to create a FadeIn/FadeOut effect using a CCSprite and a CCLabelTTF at the same time, this is the code: CC. 16:19 i have the same question too. The TinyXML can not get the child count.not work to me. Anyone have better idea? 14:36 so anyone’s got the solution for this problem?

I’m facing with this problem as well, i both tried mp3 and ogg, my au. 14:24 Finally fixed by myself, it seems “m test Step;' in tick should be moved into draw to replace 'm test m worl.

14:01 Hi, When I went to 2nd menuitem - Transitions Test, and clicked the right arrow, I got this Access violation. 11:51 to create a new project for windows8 metro Give that a. 11:27 Hey, guys, I’m researching official demo samples in 2.0.1, after modifying drawContactPoints(0) and drawContactNormal. 10:55 It works, I use the code based in the test folder of cocos2d-x void OptionsScene::menuCallback(CCObject. sender). 10:46 hi, is there any way I can get the duration of MP3 files, with the cocos2d-x?

Appreciate for all answers, cheers 10:35 Hello, I’ve installed the cocos2d-2.0-rc2-x-2.0.1 And I can see the Project template successfully in xcode. 10:15 I am also looking for using cocos2d-x 2.0 for a Windows Metro App. The 0.11 version works on desktop, but failed on t.

How To Use Research Download! I was looking around the web and i didn't seem able to find a actually proper tutorial on how to use research download for flashing phones and such. It not necessarily difficult it just took me a while to figure out how to use when i first started using it so i thought I'd make a tutorial for anyone who doesn't know it Glossary Flash: To overwrite your phones existing software with another.

Rom: Firmware for your phone.pac file: File in which research download uses. Before this it is important to have the VCOM drivers for you phone installed on your computer. (Links Below) To start go ahead and press the first gear button. This will open up a browse menu Use the menu to browse for where your.pac file for your phone is saved. These files are usually given from the phones manufacture. The browse menu can only open.pac files. Once the file is loaded you can tell, you will be able to see the name on the bar (as shown).

Next press the second gear to open up the settings menu. How much to port (self explanatory) 2. Leave this at 115200 unless your phone manufacture said otherwise. This works for the SC6820.

This will be automatically selected once you load the.pac file. Where all the files are stored. You can actually extract these once you load a.pac file hehe:P. Name of Each file. If its ticked it will be flashed. You can untick things you don't want to be flashed. This is just if your going to build a.pac file from parts, don't worry about it that's a whole other thing.

Once your don't editing the settings you can go ahead and press Ok. After your done press the arrow like button.

This will start the process and have it ready for your phone. Take the battery out of your phone now for at least 15 seconds. Place it back and plug in the usb while simultaneously holding the volume down button. You should see in research download that it has started flashing! ( You can let go of the volume key now:P) When it is finished just press the stop button and disconnect your phone! Feel free to ask questions, but PLEASE don't quote this whole thing. Quote sections!

Links Research Download: Drivers. Quote: Originally Posted by Ravage32 How To Use Research Download! I was looking around the web and i didn't seem able to find a actually proper tutorial on how to use research download for flashing phones and such. It not necessarily difficult it just took me a while to figure out how to use when i first started using it so i thought I'd make a tutorial for anyone who doesn't know it Glossary Flash: To overwrite your phones existing software with another. Rom: Firmware for your phone.pac file: File in which research download uses. Before this it is important to have the VCOM drivers for you phone installed on your computer.

(Links Below). How much to port (self explanatory) 2. Leave this at 115200 unless your phone manufacture said otherwise. This works for the SC6820. This will be automatically selected once you load the.pac file.

Where all the files are stored. You can actually extract these once you load a.pac file hehe:P. Name of Each file. If its ticked it will be flashed. You can untick things you don't want to be flashed.

This is just if your going to build a.pac file from parts, don't worry about it that's a whole other thing. Once your don't editing the settings you can go ahead and press Ok. After your done press the arrow like button. This will start the process and have it ready for your phone. Take the battery out of your phone now for at least 15 seconds. Place it back and plug in the usb while simultaneously holding the volume down button. You should see in research download that it has started flashing!

( You can let go of the volume key now:P) When it is finished just press the stop button and disconnect your phone! Feel free to ask questions, but PLEASE don't quote this whole thing. Quote sections! Links Research Download: Drivers.

Quote: Originally Posted by Java Baba Here is what i had done: 1.Loaded all the required drivers which include com port driver,usb debug drivers. 2.Loaded.pac firmware file into research downloader,baud rate selected 115200, and in windows PORTS also. 3.Clicked on play button and pressed volume down (and up key - next time) button then plugged in the micro usb cable. 4.It start detecting two ports vendor specific and status changes to CHECKING BAUDRATE which never ends.

My device is just refusing BOOT after the BOLT logo. Quote: Originally Posted by akisg I'm trying to unbrick a chinese elitek f6658 device. The only rom i've found for this device is this. There should be a.pac file in order to flash this but in the rom package i can't find any, only a.p5c file. Tried to extract all the files inside in order to create a.pac file as mentioned above, but i can't find 1-2.img files that are needed for packaging and the result is an error when trying to load the packet file. Anyone have any idea how can i restore this chinese brick?